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Apply to serve on the 2025-2026 IABC International Executive Board or as a Region Vice Chair

What to give back to the profession? The IABC Nominating Committee is currently accepting applications for IABC members interested in serving on the IABC International Executive Board and Region Vice Chairs. 

Volunteer leadership at this level can be an exceptionally rewarding experience, both professionally and personally. As an Region leader, you donate your time, expertise and energy to shaping the future of IABC’s purpose and its impact on the global profession. 

All interested candidates are encouraged to read the 2025-2026 Candidate Packet prior to submitting an application. Details include eligibility criteria, role descriptions, responsibility expectations, time commitments, application requirements and more. 

Click here to apply for the International Executive Board

Click here to apply for a Region Vice Chair

Application Requirements:

  • Completed online form by deadline  
  • Resume or CV (with identifying information removed)
  • Letter of Intent 

 If you have any questions, please reach out to leader_centre@iabc.com 

Please note: The login for the nomination application is the same as your IABC website login.